Monaco is a stunningly attractive country... but tiny (second only to Vatican City as the smallest country). We tied up at the new floating pier right next to one of the ten largest personal yachts in the world (some Saudi prince). Yes... this is where the rich and famous come to do whatever it is the rich and famous do.
DS1 was surprisingly depressed that we wouldn't be stopping in Spain. We really only emphasized Italy when we were preparing them for the trip and thought of the other three stops as a bonus.
Turns out DS1 had other plans and was really counting on a souvenir from each stop (had promissed them to friends at church) and was really down that we had lost a whole country. DH had a solution. One of the nicest things to sea around Monaco is the drive along the coast road. Six Euro for all eight of us bought us a bus ride all along that coast road to Nice, France (cheapest adventure in the entire trip). It seems that in the calculus of 9-yr-old vacationing, "lose one european country but gain a different one" comes out a wash. :-) No idea how HD made the sale.

We made our way around, down the French marketplace… over to the French Riviera… stood amazed that their beaches are essentially rocks with some sandy areas that they trucked in… steered the kids around any obvious nudity to avoid explanations... foun another bus and made our way back to Monoco. It was an interesting place to see… to say we’d been there… but quite honestly, I don’t really get the hype. It’s a lot of money… a lot of very expensive cars… a VERY nice view… but a LOT of places I’ve seen in the last 2 weeks are very nice… I just don’t see the ‘draw’? Oh well.
Back to the ship for some time at the water park.
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