So after more than 4-1/2 years, I'm back to blogging. The Magic Homeschool Bus is headed back to Italy and it's been 18 mo in the planning. Ancient History lessons, the Middle Ages, now the Renaissance. Italian lessons (thank you Rosetta Stone), Italian Immersion (thank you, Nonna) and plenty of Italian food are getting us ready.
While "the Staff" has spent months preparing the students for a 4-week field trip covering 1,500 years of history, the principal has spent months following plane tickets, train tickets, passports (a HUGE blessing that the kids' passports are good for 3 mo after we're scheduled to return) and every other option you might consider for logistics for a group of 12. Yes, that's right, this time it's a full dozen of us going.
So, in a run-down, I'll give you the players:
The Principal: My husband
The Staff - myself
Buddy - now 13-1/2 years old enjoys reading, biking, Minecraft, and the new Trail Life outdoor adventure program for boys.
Boo-Boo - will turn 13 on the trip, enjoys building, biking, Minecraft and the new Trail Life outdoor adventure program for boys.
Sweetie - will turn 11 on the trip and is "all girl". She loves dressing up in hats, painting her nails, and playing the piano.
Doodlebug - 9 y.o. and my "all girl" risk taker. She's still hoping to be a chef and I'm certain we can cater to that on the trip.
Other players:
MIL/FIL are my husband's parents
BIL - my husband's brother
SIL - my husband's brother's wife
DN - BIL/SIL's son - as in, my dearest nephew
MIL2 - my husband's brother's wife's mother. Follow that. :D
We'll be quite the crew with various groups showing up on various flights anywhere from early March (MIL/FIL), to the 17th (the 6 of us), to the 21 (everybody else).
Hopefully we'll have a few more updates before we land.
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